Holidays for me often are not so much fun with little to no family it is hard to tag along with friends so I usually try and go on holiday someplace interesting. This year for Thanksgiving I headed off to Cuba, which was great as I’ve never been but always wanted to go and see.
I booked myself at the Hotel National de Cuba in Havana and if you ever heading to Havana I really recommend staying at this hotel. It has so much history and is such a unique hotel it alone is worth the trip to Havana. If you are staying there ask for one of the ocean view tower rooms, as you will get 2 nice large windows with a view of the ocean and a view of the city.
I only spent 4 days in Cuba but I managed to get all over Havana and even got a day trip to the beach in Varadero. It was such an interesting country as they really are unique as without capitalism and without the American influence it has really created a culture unlike anything I’ve seen before. While Cuba is poor it actually maintains a higher level of wealth then countries like China, Thailand or the Philippines as while those other countries all have much more wealth they also have much more visible poverty. Now I not saying that Cubans are rich or not poor, just saying that while they are poor they are not sleeping on the streets, using sheet metal as walls and visually malnourished.
The trip was short but it was just enough time to get a little bit burnt and long enough to forget about some of the issues back here in Guelph and while I didn’t take my laptop with me I did stop off at an internet cafe for a quick eFix.
Next week I’m heading off for to meet with some new corporate prospects and maybe even make a trip back to my hometown to visit with some old friends before I start back into the next big thing.
Awesome, I also was in La Havana few months ago. I love the place, there is so much history, friendly people, awesome culture.
Hopefully next year you have someone to spend it with.
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