Want say "thank you" to all my Guelph readers who took the time to email me or leave me a comment on my question on where to live as it really helped me out. Without your feedback I could have easily taken the apartment on Willow Road and while it would have been a home by the sounds of things it wouldn't have been the most suitable place to call home.
So I happy to say that today everything was confirmed and I will be moving into downtown Guelph starting in May. It feels nice to know where I will be calling home and now I get the fun part of designing my apartment. I promise to post some photos of my place when it is finished as well as some of the amazing view from my unit, as I overlook the entire downtown. I will have to talk to Kev over at GuelphCam to see if we can setup a downtown webcamera.
Work has been going great, while busy and complex its nice as things are really coming together. I will post more shortly on work but for now its after midnight and I have an early morning meeting. Hope you all have a great weekend.
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