Stressing Out on Tax in Canada

Tuesday, April 10

Stressing Out on Tax in Canada

The other day I was in with HR and we were just going over things like getting OHIP, life insurance and taxes. She pulled up a program that showed the tax deductions from my salary and wow it was shocking.

POST UPDATED: I had to update this post as I have had a few negative comments and some not so nice emails about my comments on tax. So I will explain my logic on my issues, but please note Canada is a great country and I am happy to be back. But in a country that we strive for equality I don't see equality in the tax system, a basic idea of a equal tax system would be: take the average salary of everyone within a province and then assign a cap to the tax paid based on that. So if you make the average salary you pay the normal tax, if you make less you pay less tax but if you make more you are not further tax simply because your paid more. This also brings more money into the communities and back in the the salaries of the workers. To me this is a equal system but in Canada if you happen to make a high salary you are heavily taxed and shockingly instead of paying less tax the more you make it is the opposite the more you make the more you are taxed. Anyways I am very happy to be back in Canada and will happily pay my taxes where required, but I just think the system is a little strange.

Other then stressing on the taxes I am stressing on finding a place to live as I have now contacted about 200 people that had a place for rent and seen a number of them. But there has only been one place that is interesting and there is an offer currently on it so if it is accepted then I am out of luck. But wish me luck as it’s a beautiful 3 story house that has 7 bedrooms, 5 washrooms and even a room for a theater, my only problem will be trying to furnish 7 bedrooms (hehehe anyone want to rent a room).


Anonymous said...

sounds like you've got it real rough, douchebag.

Anonymous said...

yeah, wtf, you live in the best country in the world now, how do you think the government pays for everything that it is doing for its people? quit your whining and pay your taxes like the rest of us

Anonymous said...

I think the system you are describing in your post is called a "flat" tax system (everyone pays the same amount) but I believe the Canadian taxation system is generally considered a "progressive" taxation system (ie. people with higher incomes pay at a higher rate). I'm not up to a comparision of relative merits of taxation systems but it seems pretty obvious that there are some fundamental societial values reflected in how these system work and who benefits the most from them.

Anonymous said...

You actually find it shocking that the more you make, the more tax you pay? What planet are you from ? Sheesh.

Anonymous said...

Why would people hack on you about taxes and worse why would you edit your comment. We are way over taxed, best country in the world or not. The Canadian way seems to be that of entitlement and rolling over and taking it from behind from all levels of Governement. I make 6 figures, but even when I was a Bartender (in Guelph) I was over taxed. So I pay big money for a good accountant and I make the most out of my money and taxes. I work hard and play hard and I'm not giving up 1/2 my money to the Gov. so that people who feel entitled can live off me.

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